This blog is about travelling through Japan on a bicycle. Initially on a foldable bicycle (Brompton) and more recently mostly by road bike (Spezialized)... but also by train, ferry, plane, bus or any other transport, if sea, weather, mountains or the like come between me and my desire to ride.
I have tried to summarise information that could be potentially helpful also for other bicycle travellers through Japan, such as list of bicycle roads, helpful web pages etc.

Saturday 8 June 2024

D1 From Hanno to Chichibu Tama Kai National park

Route: Hanno - Sanno pass - Yamabushi pass - Chichibu - Otaki
Bicycle: 67 km 
Train: 45 km
Average speed: 16.1 km/h
Total ascent: 884 m
Total riding time: 4:08 h
Weather: sunny and warm but not yet humid hot, 28 C

It is crazy. I woke up in the biggest metropolis of this planet with nearly 38 million inhabitants (in the entire Tokyo area). Took a train from the third most busy train station in the world (Shibuya station) for just one hour and then cycled 60 km and ended up in a village so small, that the owner of the hostel puts the dinner tables outside on the street as there is absolutely no traffic.

This trip to Chichibu is thanks to me searching a house in Tokyo. That doesn’t sound logical, right. Well , I am looking for a piece of land close to where I am living now and then to build a new house to my specifications there. I went last weekend to see a model house exhibition where there is a house from a company I liked the material they sent me. Very Japanese houses. They had an actual house they just finished building which one could go and see before it is handed over to the new owners. And that was in Hanno . I saw that weather this weekend was still okay, not too humid hot, so decided to make it into a long weekend as I needed to take anyway a day of vacation in June for my “birthday vacation allowance”. 

So off to Hanno it was, where I first visited the house.

Then changed back into my cycling clothes, had a quick conbini lunch and started the ride only at around 12:00. Up it was over Sanno pass (I came up here nearly 2 years ago with some other cyclists I had organized) …

.. and then gradually up into the mountains with a few stops (there were a lot of public toilets along the road) and finally over Yamabushi pass. 

I didn’t take that many pictures. The area is nice, but also not THAT nice to stop continuously to take pictures.

Riding down towards Chichibu I stumbled over one of the 33 (or is it 34?) temples of the pilgrimage. This one in the middle of a cement factory.

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